
Sunday, May 21, 2017


Purbalingga, 24 Mei 2017

Purbalingga juga punya satu kuliner ayam yang sudah melegenda, bahkan memiliki beberapa cabang di kota lain seperti Purwokerto, Solo, dan Tegal. Kuliner ini bernama Ayam Goreng Mbok Sarun. Ayam Goreng Mbok Sarun Berlokasi di Bobotsari, tepatnya di Jalan Menur B1/C33 Desa Majapura, Bobotsari. Ayam Goreng Mbok Sarun memiliki ciri khas daging yang sangat empuk dan tulang yang lunak. Ayam disini dimasak dengan cara diungkep dan menggunakan ayam kampung yang dimasak dengan bumbu khusus. Kremesnya pun sangat renyah, menambah kelezatan daging ayam yang begitu empuk dan tulang yang lunak. Namun, guna mendukung selera pelanggan disini kamu bisa memesan menu yang menggunakan ayam kampung atau ayam potong. Warung Ayam yang didirikan sejak 1961 ini memang memiliki rasa yang begitu melegenda. So, bagi kamu yang sedang mengunjungi Kota Purbalingga, jangan lewatkan salah satu kuliner Purbalingga yang sudah melegenda ini.

Purbalingga, 23 Mei 2017

Purbalingga also have one processed goat meat that has been famous to the remote Purbalingga, named Gulai Melung. For you processed goat meat penggin, you should try this one curry. Warung Gulai pioneered by Mrs. Mariyanti or known by the name Bu Hadi stood since 2007. Unlike the curry elsewhere, Gulai Melung Bu Hadi has a distinctive taste. The meat is tender and serve apart with the rich spices. Warung located in the hamlet Melung Village Larangan Kec. This event is open from 09.00-18.00 WIB. Although away from the city center, make no mistake! Visitors at Warung Gulai Melung are always crowded.

The typical food of Purbalingga is mendoan, which was originally made from soybean tempe. Features of making mendoan, processed from the moment of making tempenya, from the beginning of soybean ripening until wrapping from banana leaves, to become soybean tempe.mendoan can not be made from any tempe. Tempe mendoan is a thin tempe made widen / widespread. To make a mendoan, tempeh should be given flour that has been mixed with salt, coriander and green onion. When frying time is not too long to look tempe mendoan, if fried too long will become chips.

Another special gift from Purbalingga is a mirasa nut. Appearances may be charred and resemble a typical rustic peanuts. For the taste? Surely you know when you've bought and tasted mirasa nuts. Most people are addicted to buying and carrying it as souvenirs. The peanuts are different from the manufacturer's peanuts, how to make the peanuts soak them in water 1 day 1 night. The next day smeared salt to taste and left in the tub for 1 day and 1 night. The next day was soaked again for 1 day. Then dried in the sun, after dry roasted with sand. Be a typical Purbalingga nuts that are crunchy and tasty.


There is also soto Purbalingga famous famous tasty and cheap. What makes Purbalingga soto delicious lies in the sambal is a legit spicy peanut sauce, using ketupat instead of rice, and sprinkled with suwiran meat and squeezed krupuk. Here after chicken meat disuwir for soto the breast bone fried dry and served as side dish of soto. It feels dry and kriyik-kriyik, that's why it is called sroto kriyik. In addition to sroto kriyik, there is also soto that is not less delicious only there are additional leaves melinjo or so-called "so" which adds a unique taste of this berkuah food

Sate purbalingga is also very delicious how to cook it. If the sate is generally burned when the meat is still raw, if the sate blater before being burned should be soaked in secret spice blancas typical of the people of Blater Village, and when burned still repeatedly smeared with the same spice. So the taste was very felt until the last bite. Different cooking process, making this sate also strong kept for up to three days. Even if stored in the refrigerator can be much longer.

The more delicious again and who always make the miss. Although today many are imitating, no one to match the typical taste of ice durian Tugu Bancar concoction of Mr. Kasdi. In a bowl of durian ice, durian fruit flesh doused with liquid brown sugar and fresh coconut milk, plus ice shavings to mount. Not stop there, the mountain durian ice is still doused with sweetened condensed milk and a spoonful of hot chocolate. "Oh so good".


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